After completion of his new Mobile Crane Theory Training Manual, Danny Thiemens teamed up with Mortimore Productions of Spokane, Washington, to help bring his training alive in a production studio. The outstanding team of video experts at Mortimore took all Twenty-One sessions of his 3-Day program and shot each session in the studio in high definition. This was a big project, which took 10 months to shoot and edit. Each session took hours to edit since all of Danny’s pictures, graphics, art and symbols had to be integrated into his lecture at the precise moment. The team worked hard on every session to make sure all of the sessions were dynamic, interactive and provocative. All the current up to date statistics and knowledge content had to be included. As an example, the Load Chart session took days to edit. It was a real doozie to produce! However, our team did not cut corners on any of this effort. The sound quality and lighting was always a consideration. After each training module all of Danny’s sample test questions had to be shot separate and scrubbed for accuracy. They were all backed up with a source. Danny constantly emphasized that this had to be the best production ever. People that take this course MUST PASS THE TEST!

This is a very robust professional Crane Operator training program. These sessions have received national media attention several times over the years. Many thanks to Mr. Ron Cowper who designed the original curriculum and all his help and leadership that has helped the Crane and Rigging Industry become a much safer place. Thousands have benefited from his knowledge all over North America. Ron has since retired and left his longtime friend and co-instructor Danny Thiemens, of Spokane, Washington, to carry on his tradition of high quality crane training and his legacy. Danny Thiemens new book has been written in his honor, as well as the new Online Mobile Crane Training Program.

A Message from Danny
Ron Cowper was my mentor. I’m very grateful for the knowledge and experience and most importantly the opportunity to help the Crane and Rigging Industry. When you take your first online session, we will be ready for you. Your Mobile Crane Theory workbook, and most recent ASME B.30.5 Mobile Crane Safety Standard has given you all the tools to succeed.
This will be a high definition program presented from Mortimore Studios. After each knowledge area we will practice together hundreds of sample test questions over the period of the course, crafted and presented much like those you will see on the National Crane examination. You will see it, hear it, write it and do it again. Our main objective is everyone is successful and leaves this program with confidence and ready to test.
For the next twenty-two sessions it will be my most important priority to use all my knowledge and experience gained as a Crane Operator, Supervisor, and former staff member at the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators along with the hundreds of hours of classroom instructions to deliver you arguably one of the best Crane Operator Training and Certification Programs anywhere in North America. I take every session personally. The quality of my instruction will reflect on me with students taking their National Certification examinations. Each and every participant is important to me, my goal is always 100 percent success. We would like an opportunity to earn your business.
History of Crane: Learn how the cranes have evolved over thousands of years. People have used innovative ways of lifting really heavy objects and bringing them where they are needed, as demonstrated at Stone Hedge, the Pyramids of Giza and countless ancient sites around the world.

Crane Operator Responsibilities
Whether or not the crane owner or users are the same entity, their responsibilities are essentially the same. In this session, students learn their own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others involved with the lift. Sample test questions are review.
Crane Laws & Regulations
Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA), as well as State and local regulations for the construction industry, particularly those that involve craning equipment, are reviewed during this session. Industry safety standards and their recommendations are taught. A written examination is administered online. Class participants also discuss the division of responsibilities between the contractor, the operator and other on-site personnel in operating the equipment within the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Crane Nomenclature
In this session, candidates learn the proper name and use of the many parts of Mobile Cranes. The differences between All Terrain, Truck Crane and Crawler Cranes are discussed. The advantages of Swing Cab and Fixed Cab Cranes are some of the many topics looked over during this session.

Definitions Used in Craning
A review of the terms and definitions used in the Crane Industry as described in ASME B30.5 Safety Standard is provided. Those terms used in load chart calculations are reinforced in preparation for that are of instruction.
Crane Inspections
A good crane operator is always alert to the condition of their crane and the pre-operational inspections become a routine and constant check of that condition. The purpose of pre-operational inspections are discussed. The main types of inspections are reviewed and the items that should be checked in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications are discussed and reviewed. A sample written examination is presented.
Setting Up Cranes
The eight main points necessary for the proper setting up of rubber tired and crawler mounted cranes are reviewed. The proper extension of outriggers, ensuring that the crane is working from a firm level of supporting surface and has adequate swing clearance to safely perform the work, are among the pointed discussed.

Mobile Crane Load Charts
The mysterious load chart always seems to be the point of intimidation and sometimes confusion to the crane operator. During this session that problem will be wiped away forever. Through classroom lecture and discussion, followed by student hands-on exercises, participants quickly learn how to interpret all the different load charts manufacturers are using today. Students learn the part of the load chart based on structural integrity of the machine stability, the tipping moment of the crane. Candidates practice multiply configurations of the crane and how it effects the load chart. When the actual boom angle being used is between those shown on the load chart, use the rating for the next LOWER Boom angle.

Learn how to calculate boom length, radius and boom angle if you are between values on your load chart
Watch a FREE Online training video demonstration on how to find the answer to the load chart question above.
Working Around High Voltage and Lightning in the Area
In this session, participants quickly learn what takes place when contact is made with high voltage apparatus. Facts are presented to show how the current flows through the machine and radiates through the ground, sometimes causing injury or death to persons not necessarily involved in the actual contact. Absolute “Limits of Approach” and emergency procedures to be following if contact is made are also studied.
In this session students learn the emergency procedures that must be followed if contact is made.

Also discussed are rules and procedures when “THE THUNDER ROLLS AND THE LIGHTNING STRIKES”! Information is provided to give the Crane Operator better information to make a good decision if lightning is within striking distance and if work should stop, and then again when it is safe for work to resume.
Students learn what to do when the Thunder Rolls and the Lightning Strikes

Wire Rope
Various types of wire rope used in the craning industry for both hoisting and rigging applications are dealt with in this presentation. Procedures for identifying, applying and maintaining rigging apparatus are presented, as well as inspection techniques and removal from service criteria.

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________

The importance of clear and concise communication between the crane operator, signal person and rigger to ensure the safety of the lift are discussed. Standard international hand signals are introduced. The use of radio contact is also explored.
Personnel Lifting Systems
When lifting with a Mobile Crane Personnel Lifting System, very serious considerations must be made. Strict inspection procedures, and pre-lift rules must be followed. The lift must be pre-planned and then carried out with great care. In this session, students review and discuss those rules and procedures.

FREE Online Training
Sling Selection & Application
During this presentation participants learn how to select, inspect and apply various types of slings and determine the safe working load that can be applied to them. The effect that the sling’s angle to the load has on its rated capacity is discussed, and calculations are made to determine actual Safe Working Loads.
Rigging Hardware
This session deals with various types of rigging hardware commonly used in the craning industry. Identification inspection procedures, application and removal from service criteria are presented through hands on demonstrations.

Equalizer & Spreader Beams
The difference between equalizer and spreader beams, and their particular applications are studied. With equalizer beams the class participants learn, through practical exercises and lift simulation, how the load is proportionately shared between the cranes that are making the lift and how these proportions can be altered to suit the crane capabilities available by adjusting the location of the load on the beam.
Crane Hook Inspection
Several considerations that apply to hooks and observances of them are discussed. Inspection criteria and removal from service are reviewed in detail. A written examination will be administered after online lecture.

Leaving the Crane Unattended
Discussed are precautions and procedures for leaving the crane controls for short periods of time or extended periods of time. Review of specific recommendations and laws in accordance with OSHA regulations and ASME safety standards are discussed and reviewed.
Using Wheel Chalks to prevent accidental movement of the crane is always good business.

Making the Lift
Students learn the procedures and precautions that must be observed whenever loads are to be handled in detail. Sample written test questions are administered following this session.
Determining Load’s Center of Gravity
This segment emphasizes the importance of knowing the location of the load’s center of gravity to assist in the selection of the proper rigging necessary to produce a “stable” load when lifted. And its importance to recognize what happens to the center of gravity of a load once the load is lifted into the air.
If rigged improperly the suspended load will tilt, or shift, until the center of gravity comes directly below the crane hook.

Pick and Carry Operations
Pick and Carry Operations Statistics show that the majority of craning accidents occur when the crane is either improperly set up prior to making a lift or traveling the crane on the job site with or without a load. This session deals with all the rules and precautions manufacturers have put into place for Pick and Carry operations. A multiple choice written examination on this topic will follow.
View Online Sample Test

Boom Assembly and Disassembly Responsibilities
Every year a high number of serious injuries take place in the crane industry when workers are installing or dismantling lattice boom sections in cranes. This session covers the responsibilities of the employer. In addition to the requirement that the work must be directed by an Assembly and Disassembly Director. Their responsibilities and the hazards of this type of operation is explored. The effect of wind speed and weather are discussed. Students complete a written examination at the end of this session.

Multiple Crane Lifts
The extra precautions, such as avoiding shock and side loading of the booms when the use of multiple cranes is necessary to make a single lift are studied. As part of the pre-lift planning, the class discovers through practical exercises how to determine when the actual load on each of the cranes will be throughout the lift process. The class also learns how the load sharing on the cranes can be altered by manipulating the lift points. Through the study of the fundamentals of basic leverage principles, class participants discover how these principles help to explain the proportionate sharing of loads between multiple cranes involved in a single lift. Load shift calculations for tipping up or laying down of loads is also practiced. A series of multiple choice questions are administered following this session.
Critical Lifts
By way of their own copy of ASME B30.5 Safety Standards for Mobile Cranes, as well as their student handbooks, students discover and discuss all the criteria that makes a lift a “critical lift” and all the safeguards and concerns the crane operator must consider.
Effects of Sling Angles
The effect that the sling’s angle to the load has on its rated capacity is discussed and calculations made to determine actual safe working loads. The first and most important step in any rigging operation is the determination of the weight of the load. Students learn and discuss those steps. This segment emphasizes the importance of knowing the location of the load’s center of gravity to assist in the selection of the proper rigging necessary to produce a “stable” load when lifted. It is important to recognize what happens to the center of gravity of a load once the load is lifted into the air. This session deals with various types of rigging hardware commonly used in the craning industry. Identification, inspection procedures, application and removal from service criteria are presented through classroom and hand-on demonstrations.
Certification Examination Review
During this session, participants are presented with a variety of sample load chart scenario problems, as well as general knowledge type questions to ensure our course instruction has been successful in preparing candidates for National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) Written and Practical Examinations.
NCCCO Written Examinations and Practical Examinations
During our initial administration procedures we will assist our course participants to complete all applications necessary for the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) written and practical examinations for Mobile Cranes. Please visit for more information.
Coordinating NCCCO Practical Examinations
Fulcrum Virtual Crane Training is happy to assist graduates from any of our on-line virtual training programs as they begin to coordinate NCCCO Practical Examinations. Once candidates complete their NCCCO written examinations the next and final step in the certification process will be the practical examination for your crane type. On the NCCCO website can be found a free copy of the candidate handbook for the crane type you are seeing certification on. The handbook contents will include a written description of all the steps or tasks you will be asked to perform during your practical examination. In addition, the official NCCCO candidate video can be found for your crane type by visiting Most importantly the NCCCO website provides a list of accredited practical examiners listed by state nationwide. This list will be an important and valuable tool for you so you can coordinate and setup your practical examinations with an accredited examiner closest to your location. Fulcrum Virtual Crane Training is happy to assist whenever necessary.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If for whatever reason any candidate that is not successful in completing any part of the NCCCO written examination, we will consult them and provide further instruction at no extra charge. Please see our “No One Left Behind Policy”. We fully realize many of our candidates have not been in a classroom in many years. Our job is to lower test anxiety and have our graduates do well. Everyone leaves feeling great, and as if their experience was one of the best they ever had.

NCCCO has no obligations to this guarantee
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