In recent years Articulating Boom Cranes have become increasingly popular in the construction industry, as well as those companies who deliver construction products such as dry wall and precast concrete. With longer boom lengths and increased capacities, along with their wide range of attachments, make these cranes more and more attractive to crane users.

Articulating Boom Cranes present their own unique challenges in the workplace, in comparison to mobile cranes. Our program was specifically designed to address those safety issues. Often the crane operator is the rigger and the driver, exposing them to many hazards all at the same time.
Our Online Articulating Boom Crane Operator Qualification Program is a multimedia event shot in an actual studio. Students watch all nineteen (19) sessions while following along in their own 207 page Full Color Student Manual. The studio lighting, sound and graphics are top notch providing an excellent dynamic presentation. Every session is presented in high definition and resolution for a maximum online training experience.
Students will follow each session in their own Articulating Boom Crane Training Manual written by and instructed in person by Danny Thiemens, one of North America’s most respected trainers and authors. Each of the nineteen sessions will be instructed by the Author himself followed by his own written test questions, all presented much like those found on a National Examination. All participants will receive the most recent copy of ASME B30.22 Safety Standard for Articulating Boom Cranes as well as the Articulating Boom Crane Reference Manual published by NCCCO. The program content is specifically designed to properly instruct all of the knowledge areas and domains currently sited by NCCCO in their written examination guidelines and much much more. All of the 19 sessions in this program are Instructor led!!
All the knowledge area’s currently sited by NCCCO.

Your student manual and reference study material will be shipped directly to you, or your front door or company location. Mortimore Productions will send your password and online training link to your email. It’s so easy and convenient! Study the program at home in your favorite chair on the big screen at your own pace or as a group in your company conference room.
After instruction of each and every session, such as “Load Charts”, students will practice numerous load chart scenario problems. Following each knowledge area, such as “Setting Up Cranes”, a series of multiple choice questions will follow, all specifically crafted for that topic. Our questions have been developed much like those on a National Examination. All multiple choice questions are crafted from a reference such as a book, OSHA regulation or ASME Safety Standard.
Candidates will hear the material, write it, and do it again. Our online program allows the student to rewind the questions and listen to them as many times as they wish along with the lecture. This is the ultimate in Online Crane Training!

We consider the success of every student our responsibility and a direct reflection of the quality of training we deliver. We would like an opportunity to help you through the Articulating Boom Crane Operator Certification program virtually online. WE GUARANEEE YOUR SUCCESS!
This is a robust professional Articulating Boom Crane Operator Training Program any way you measure it. Great graphics and pictures throughout all 19 sessions keeps you interested and looking forward for more. High definition and resolution makes you feel you were in the classroom.

Our Main Course Objectives
History of Cranes
Learn how the cranes have evolved over thousands of years. People have used innovative ways of lifting really heavy objects and bringing them where they are needed, as demonstrated at Stone Hedge, the Pyramids of Giza and countless ancient sites around the world. Learn how the cranes then evolved into the cranes we use today. See how the accident rates and fatalities increased as the cranes became more sophisticated.
Personal Protection
Because in the Articulating Boom Crane industry the crane operator is often times the truck driver delivering the load, the rigger hitching up the load, and often the person landing the load, there is a very high accident rate involving slips, trips and falls that occur. During this session, safeguards protecting the crane operator and all those around the crane are discussed.
Crane Operator Responsibilities
Whether or not the crane owner or users are the same entity, their responsibilities are essentially the same. In this session, students learn their own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others involved with the lift. Sample test questions are reviewed using their online training link.

Crane Laws & Regulations
Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA), as well as State and local regulations for the construction industry, particularly those that involve craning equipment, are reviewed during this session. Industry safety standards and their recommendations are explored. An online test is included. Class participants also discuss the division of responsibilities between the contractor, the operator, and other on-site personnel and how to operate the equipment within the manufacturer’s guidelines. Students write information into their student workbook while watching the lecture on-line.
Crane Terminology, Crane Types and Definitions
A review of the terms and their definitions commonly used in the industry and as described in ASME B30.22 Safety Standard for Articulating Boom Cranes is provided. Also discussed is the use of the many attachments available, their advantages and limitations. Components are reviewed online as well as sample test questions.
Crane Inspections
A good crane operator is always alert to the condition of the crane and the pre-operational inspections becomes a routine and constant check of that condition. The purpose of pre-operational inspections are discussed. The main types of inspections are reviewed and the items that should be checked in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications are discussed. A sample written examination is presented online on camera.

Setting Up Articulating Boom Cranes
Setting up Articulating Boom Cranes represents a completely different set of rules in comparison to their sister Mobile Crane procedures. In this session those rules are reviewed and compared. The proper extension of stabilizers, ensuring that the crane is working from a firm level supporting surface and has adequate swing clearance to safely perform the work are among the many of the points discussed. Sample test questions are administered online at the conclusion of this session.

Articulating Boom Crane Load Charts
The mysterious load chart always seems to be the point of intimidation and sometimes confusion to the crane operators. During this session that problem will be wiped away forever. Through an online classroom lecture and discussion followed by student hands-on exercises participants quickly learn how to interpret all the different load charts manufacturers are using today. Both one dimensional and two dimensional charts are studied as students successfully complete multiple load chart lifting scenarios as well as a multiple choice examination administered on camera using your virtual on-line link.

5. You are placing units of drywall with this crane. You have 45 feet of boom extended. What is your net capacity?
A. 3225 lbs
B. 3125 lbs
C. 3600 lbs
D. 4400 lbs
Watch a FREE online training video demonstration on how to find the answer to the load chart question above.
Working Around High Voltage
In this session, participants quickly learn what takes place when contact is made with high voltage apparatus. Facts are presented to show how the current flows through the machine and radiates through the ground, sometimes causing injury or death to persons not necessarily involved in the lift. Absolute “Limits of Approach” and emergency procedures to be followed if contact is made are also studied and an extensive sample test is administered on-line.
“THE THUNDER ROLLS AND THE LIGHTNING STRIKES!” Information is provided to give the Crane Operator better information to make a good decision if lightning is within striking distance and if work should stop, and then again when it is safe for work to resume. An online examination takes place following the lecture.

Watch a sample online test on working near high voltage. These questions were crafted by Danny Thiemens using a reliable source such as ASME-B30.5.
Wire Rope
Various types of wire rope used in the craning industry for both hoisting and rigging applications are dealt with in this presentation. Procedures for identifying, applying, and maintaining wire rope are presented, as well as inspection techniques and removal from service criteria. An online multiple choice examination is administered.

The importance of clear and concise communication between the crane operator, signal person and rigger to ensure the safety of the lift are discussed. Standard International hand signals are introduced. The use of radio contact is also explored. An online written examination is included. The Instructor will demonstrate on camera how to properly use hand signals.
Handling of Personnel
When personal platforms are used on Articulating Boom Cranes they shall conform to all the regulations and standards as stated in ASME B30.22. Class participants review and discuss these procedures. The differences between the rules associated between Mobile Crane Operations and Articulating Boom Cranes are clearly examined. An online written examination follows.
Handling of Personnel with an Articulating Boom Crane requires special planning and following strict regulations and standards.

Leaving the Crane Unattended
Discussed are precautions and procedures for leaving the crane controls for short periods of time or extended periods of time. Review of specific recommendations and laws in accordance with
OSHA regulations and ASME safety standards are discussed and reviewed. Sample test questions are explored following the lecture.
Sling Application
During this presentation and in-class exercises, participants learn how to select, inspect and apply various types of slings, including wire rope, synthetic, chain and mesh sling. Students learn how to determine the safe working load that can be applied to them. The effect that the sling’s angle to the load has on its rated capacity is discussed, and calculations are made to determine actual safe working loads or working load limits.

Crane Hook Inspection
Several considerations that apply to hooks and observances of them are discussed. Inspection criteria and removal from service are reviewed in detail. What steps that must be taken if damage is found are some of the many items reviewed, including the criteria of the need of a safety latch. An extensive written examination follows the lecture virtually online.
Making the Lift
The procedures and precautions that should be observed whenever loads are to be handled are reviewed in detail. Some lifts require a written lift plan and a lift director in charge of the operation. All those provisions are discussed and followed by a series of test questions for the participant on-line.

Determining Load Weights
The first and most important step in any rigging operation is the determination of the weight of the load. Students learn and discuss those steps. This segment emphasizes the importance of knowing the location of the load’s center of gravity to assist in the selection of the proper rigging necessary to produce a “stable” load when lifted. It is also important to recognize what happens to the center of gravity of a load once the load is lifted into the air. This session deals with various types of rigging hardware commonly used in the craning industry. Identification, inspection procedures, application and removal from service criteria are presented through online and hands-on demonstrations. Sample test questions are completed following this lecture.

Never stand under a crane boom or a suspended load at any time for any reason.
NCCCO Written Examinations and Practical Examinations
During our initial administration procedures we will assist our course participants to complete all applications necessary for the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) written and practical examinations for Articulating Boom Cranes. The written examination is a stand alone test and should not be confused with other NCCCO programs. Please visit for more information.

Coordinating NCCCO Practical Examinations
Fulcrum Virtual Crane Training is happy to assist graduates from any of our online virtual training programs as they begin to coordinate NCCCO Practical Examinations. Once candidates complete their NCCCO written examinations the next and final step in the certification process will be the practical examination for your crane type. On the NCCCO website can be found a free copy of the candidate handbook for the crane type you are seeing certification on. The handbook contents will include a written description of all the steps or tasks you will be asked to perform during your practical examination. In addition, the official NCCCO candidate video can be found for your crane type by visiting Most importantly the NCCCO website provides a list of accredited practical examiners listed by state nationwide. This list will be an important and valuable tool for you so you can coordinate and setup your practical examinations with an accredited examiner closest to your location. Fulcrum Virtual Crane Training is happy to assist whenever necessary.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
If for whatever reason any candidate that is not successful in completing any part of the NCCCO written examination, we will consult them and provide further instructions at no extra charge. Please see our “No One Left Behind Policy”. We fully realize many of our candidates have not been in a classroom in many years. Our job is to lower test anxiety and have our graduates do well. Everyone leaves feeling great, and as if their experience was one of the best they ever had.

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